
Our big rolemodel is the Brain Inspired podcast by Paul Middlebrooks – as one can easily hear in how our intro is set up. If you like neuroscience podcasts that go a bit more in-depth, please definitely check out Brain Inspired.


Browse previous episodes

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#36: Béchir Jarraya & Jordy Tasserie – Unlocking Consciousness: Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback, and the Future of Brain Science

#35: Mark Richardson – Surfing the Frontiers of Functional Neurosurgery: From Brain Modulation to Patient Engagement

#33: Joachim Krauss, Marwan Hariz, & Christian Moll – The History of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery and Serendipity

#31: Veerle Visser-Vandewalle – Operating on the first neuropsychiatric DBS case in the modern era