Dr. Binith Cheeran is the Head of Brain Therapies at Abbott. He had worked as a clinical neurologist for over 10 years before joining Abbott.

#48: Binith Cheeran: From Clinical Neurology to Industry Leader

In our ongoing exploration of the DBS ecosystem throughout the podcast, we’ve engaged with leading voices in academia, clinical practice, and the patient community, each offering invaluable perspectives on the transformative impact of DBS. Yet, the journey from laboratory to bedside is a collaborative endeavor that requires another critical player: the industry. The symbiosis between innovative scientific research and robust industry support is crucial for the successful transition of groundbreaking therapies from concept to clinical application.

Today’s feature is with Dr. Binith Cheeran, M.D., Ph.D., who is the Head of Brain Therapies at Abbott. Before joining Abbott, he spent more than 10 years treating patients as a clinical neurologist in Oxford and more than 15 years in academic research, work for which he was honored by the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.

Taha, Alaa; Horn, Andreas (2024). #48: Binith Cheeran: From Clinical Neurology to Industry Leader. figshare. Media. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.25352746.v1

Dr. Cheeran recently shared with us the transformation of clinical workflows he experienced and contributed to, tracing back to his time practicing Neurology in Oxford. He illustrated the evolution from traditional paper-based methods to modern digital booklets, eventually leading to the digital informatics interface from his work with Informity (attached below).

Dr. Cheeran’s convo has been insightful. Beyond the science, he shared with us his passion for collecting and building pedalboards. We jokingly chat about Gear Acquisition Syndrome, affecting many middle-aged guitarists with mediocre talent. He mentioned the many ways this has helped bridge understanding of the impact of capacitance, impedance and circuits on electrical signals.

Below is Dr. Cheeran’s self made pedalboard. It has gotten quite huge that two people need to carry it!