Anastasia Yendiki, PhD

Suzanne Haber, PhD

Anastasia Yendiki / Suzanne Haber

On Thursday, October 26th, we hosted Anastasia Yendiki and Suzanne Haber.

Anastasia Yendiki, PhD, is an Associate Professor in Radiology at the Harvard Medical School and an Associate Investigator at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Athinoula A. Martinos Center. Her presentation was entitled “Large scale imaging of neural circuits: Towards a microscopic human connectome”. Suzanne Haber, PhD, is a Professor at the University of Rochester and runs a lab at McLean hospital at Harvard Medical School in Boston. She has received numerous awards for her work on neuroanatomy. Besides her scientific presentation (“From primate anatomy to human neuroimaging: Insights into the circuits underlying psychiatric disease and neuromodulation”), she gave us a glimpse at the “Person behind the science”.

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Watch the recording if you missed it!